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The Time I Missed a Slam-Dunk

Dec 07, 2020

I was once afraid to take risks. When new opportunities arose, my mind drifted to failure first, and it was hard for me to imagine success. I felt like I wasn’t enough and was unable to achieve my professional and personal goals. I wanted more but didn’t know how to get there. I was paralyzed with fear and doubt.

Does this sound at all familiar?

I want to share an important story:

When I was a Senior Leader at a University, I was making changes to our programs. Program changes typically lead to personnel movement. I had called a meeting one day and asked for folks who were interested in a newly created role to come see me for expressions of interest. Three ambitious young men, early in their career, came to see me vying for the position. I offered one the job.


Fast forward 14 months, and a veteran female leader came to see me frustrated that she was not given an opportunity for leadership in the department. This individual wanted the position that I had given away to the young ambitious person. She felt like she was better prepared for the role and way more qualified. She was correct. I missed her simply because she didn’t step forward to be considered for the opportunity. After a long conversation, she revealed that she didn’t come forward because she was nervous, intimidated, and wasn’t completely confident in asking to be considered for the role. She had allowed self-doubt to hold her back from greatness.


This veteran female leader was more than good enough—she would have been a slam-dunk candidate had she responded to my expression of interest call. Her lack of belief in herself held her back. She was passed over for the promotion because she showed no interest. She showed no interest because she lacked the confidence to see herself in the role.


Lack of self-confidence is one of the most profound limitations to professional growth.


If this story brings back memories of missed opportunities in your professional or personal career, then it is time to do something about it. Stop getting in your own way and commit to growing your self-confidence. Time is running out to take advantage of The Skill of Self Confidence. Let me help you confidently step forward and seize the opportunities that are presented to you, and help you achieve all that you are dreaming of.

Your transformation will include

  • A radically improved mindset of confidence and optimism
  • Robust grit and resilience that will shepherd you through challenging times
  • Conviction in team-building for the highest levels of success
  • Development of laser-sharp focus on your goals, and avoiding, (at all costs), distractions
  • Confidence to set the bar higher and higher for yourself — and achieve more than you ever imagined possible

For those of you on the edge and are afraid to make the commitment, time is running out to make the change you have been wanting to do. Invest in yourself. I guarantee the investment in The Skill of Self-Confidence, Master Class will create transformational change in how you lead and how you feel about yourself. 

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